Parish Clerk: Cathy Campos 1, St Clements Court Church Road Dartmouth TQ6 9SN
Phone: 01803 839305 Email:
To: Members of the Cornworthy Parish Council 11th October 2023
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council at Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 16th October 2023 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Open Forum: Members of the public are invited to address the Council before the meeting.
- Apologies for Absence
- Declarations of Councillor’s Interests
- Approval of Minutes
To approve the minutes from the CPC meeting held on 11th September2023.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Reports from District and County Councillors
5.1 Cllr John McKay SHDC
5.2 Cllr Jonathan Hawkins DCC
- Local Issues
6.1 Parishioners Correspondence to Action
Applications for the Councillor Vacancy for CPC
- Devon County Council Highways
No new works
- Planning
8.1 Applications
8.2 Planning Decisions by SHDC
8.3 Consultations
- To Approve and Adopt the following CPC Policies:
9.1 CPC Financial Regulations Policy
9.2 CPC Complaints Policy and Procedure
9.3 CPC General Privacy Notice
9.4 CPC Grant Awarding Policy
9.5 CPC Health and Safety Policy
9.6 CPC Information Management Requirements
9.7 CPC Risk Register
9.8 CPC Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy
9.9 CPC Website Privacy Policy
- To Approve the following additions to the CPC website
10.1 The Nolan Principles of Public Life
10.2 The Good Councillor Guide
- Finance
11.1 To Update on CPC Finances (report circulated)
11.2 To Approve the following payments.
Netwise Website | £1186.80 |
R. Baker Tree Surgeon | £153.50 |
Lazerpics Map Lamination | £ 48.00 |
C. Campos August Salary | £260.00 |
C Campos PAYE | £65.00 |
DALC D Bailey Training | £ 90.00 |
Mike Stapleton Map Cabinet | £300.00 |
C. Campos September Salary | £ 240.00 |
C. Campos PAYE | £ 60.00 |
C. Campos Clerks Expenses | £108.74 |
Village Hall Room Hire | £ 87.50 |
Road Sign for Willow Lane | £172.92 |
Donation to the Handbell RF | £250.00 |
Batteries for Head Torches | £7.50 |
VETS Telephone System CHT | £270.00 |
Paint for Jubilee Stone | £ 51.54 |
11.3 To Discuss the appointment of an internal auditor to complete CPC’s Internal Audit for 2023/24
11.4 To Discuss commissioning an interim internal audit for CPC.
11.5 To Discuss and Approve the CPC budget for 2024/25
- To give CPC’s support to the Climate and Ecology Bill
- To Consider the following Reports
13.1 Clerk and RFO (report circulated)
13.2 Tree Warden
13.3 Defibrillators and VETS
13.4 Village Hall
13.5 P3 Paths
13.6 Parish Volunteers
- Current SHDC enforcement cases
- To confirm the date and location of the next Parish Council Meeting