Parish Clerk: Cathy Campos 1, St Clements Court Church Road Dartmouth TQ6 9SN
Phone: 01803 839305 Email:
To: Members of the Cornworthy Parish Council, 14th May 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council at Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 20th May 2024 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Open Forum: Members of the public are invited to address the Council before the meeting.
- Apologies for Absence
- To Elect a Chair
- To Elect a Vice Chair
- Declarations of Councillor Interests
- Approval of Minutes
To approve the minutes of the CPC meeting held on Monday 18th March 2024
- Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Reports from District and County Councillors
- Cllr John McKay SHDC
- Cllr Jonathan Hawkins DCC
8.Local Issues
- Parishioners Correspondence to Action
9.Devon County Council Highways
Change of date for Road Closure-Washbourne Bridge Cross to Blackdown Cross, Blackawton This is now scheduled to take place from 15/07/24 to 19/07/24.
- Planning
- Applications
1304/24/HHO Householder application for removal of additional roof lights, resetting remaining rooflights, reduction in width of the living room South facing window to 2.7m overall & reduction in depth of the light well (resubmission of 0040/23/HHO Parks Barn, Abbey Road Cornworthy TQ9 7ET
- Planning Decisions
- Finance
- To Update on CPC Finances (report circulated)
- To Approve the following payments.
C. Campos March Salary | £259.00 |
Clerks Expenses | £97.87 |
HMRC | £ 194.40 |
SHDC Payroll Services | £120 |
DALC Annual Subscription | £149.00 |
CVH Electricity VETS training | £16.00 |
C Campos April Salary | £189.05 |
Internal Auditor services | £140.00 |
11.3. To Approve the Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2023/34
11.4 To Approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
11.5 To Note the Annual Internal Report 2023/24
- To Approve the Annual Accounting Statements 2023/24
- To Discuss and Agree the Insurance Schedule for 2024/24
11.8 To Administer the funds raised by the Village for the Defibs/Vets as earmarked reserves
- To Discuss the outcome of the recent CPC/ DAA meeting and the retention of the DAA lighting mast
- To Review and Adopt the CPC Standing Orders for 2024/25
- To Approve the production of a Parish Booklet with an approximate cost of £250
15.To Consider the following Reports
- Clerk and RFO (report circulated)
- Tree Warden
- Parish Volunteers
16.Current SHDC enforcement cases
17.To confirm the date and location of the next Parish Council Meeting
18.100 Club draw