
Agenda 22nd July 2024

Agendas Uploaded on July 16, 2024

Parish Clerk: Cathy Campos 1, St Clements Court Church Road Dartmouth TQ6 9SN

Phone: 01803 839305           Email:

16th July 2024

The next meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council will take place at Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 22nd July 2024 at 7.30pm.

Open Forum: Members of the public are invited to address the Council before the meeting.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Councillor Interests
  3. Approval of Minutes

To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 20th May 2024

To approve the minutes of the CPC meeting held on Monday 20th May 2024

  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes
  2. Reports from District and County Councillors
    • Cllr John McKay SHDC
    • Cllr Jonathan Hawkins DCC

8.Local Issues

  • Parishioners Correspondence to Action

9.Devon County Council Highways

            To note the road closure between Washbourne Bridge Cross and Blackdown Cross Blackawton will now take place between 1/08/2024 and 5/08/2024

  1. Planning
  • Applications

None received.

  • Planning Decisions
    1597/24/HHO Peeks Cottage Washboune TQ7 7UB
  • Finance
    • To Update on CPC Finances (report circulated)
    • To Approve the following payments.
C. Campos May Salary £195.50
Clerks Expenses £89.50
Parish Booklet Printing £160.89
A Best Lengths Man £ 330.00
Community First Insurance £245.00
CHT Defib Pads £76.74
CVH VETS training £ 9.00
C Campos July Salary £192.28
Netwise Hosting £468.00
Engraving Scarecrow Cup £25.50
HMRC £144.00
Scarecrow Leaflet Printing £43.77

11.3 To discuss and agree a payment of £60 for CPC to become a member of South Hams Community Action Group

11.4 To Note the revised interest rate for the CPC instant Access Savings Account 

  1. To Discuss responses to recent communications with the Neighbourhood Highways Officer

12.1 Road signage issues in Allaleigh

12.2 Ongoing drainage problems between Furzehill Cross and St Peters Church

  1. To Discuss the refurbishment of the Cornworthy Village Green
  1. To Discuss CPC joining the DCC Road Warden Scheme
  1. To Consider the grant application from Cornworthy Village Hall

16.To Consider the following Reports

  1. Clerk and RFO (report circulated)
  2. Tree Warden
  • Defibs and VETs
  1. Village Hall
  2. P3
  3. Dart Harbour Communities Group
  • Sustainable Cornworthy
  • Parish Volunteers

17.Current SHDC enforcement cases

18.To confirm the date and location of the next Parish Council Meeting

19.100 Club draw