DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council
In Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 16th September 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllr Tuppen (Chair), Cllr Bailey (Vice Chair), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Finn Cllr Thompson, Cllr McKay SHDC and Cllr Hawkins DCC were present as was C Campos Parish Clerk.
24/59 Apologies for Absence: Cllr Hammond and Cllr Hunt
24/60 Declaration of Councillors Interest: None
24/61Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Cornworthy Parish Council (CPC) meeting of 22nd July 2024 were approved and are available on the CPC website.
24/62 Matters Arising from the Minutes.
- The matter of overhanging trees on a public footpath has been resolved by the landowner.
- The CPC accounts spreadsheet has been updated to show S137 items and Defib/VETS expenditure.
- The meeting with the DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer will take place on 18th
- A parishioner query regarding responsibility for hedgerows was answered by Cllr Hawkins who confirmed that it was the landowner’s responsibility to maintain them. However, both County and District Councillors undertook to see if there was any assistance for landowners trying to eradicate Himalayan Balsam and Water Hemlock and report back to the Clerk.
- Cllr Tuppen asked for clarification about which authority was responsible for which part of the street cleaning and drain clearing operations. Cllr McKay confirmed that that the small sweeper that visits the village comes under SHDC. Cllr Hawkins confirmed that the big lane sweeper and drain sucker were both operated by DCC. The Clerk will write to ask when these vehicles will visit the parish next and report back.
24/63.1 Cllr McKay SHDC gave his report.
24/63.2 Cllr Hawkins DCC gave his report.
24/64 Planning
Approval for application 2652/24/FUL was noted.
24/65 Finance
24/65.1 The CPC Finance report was noted and is available on the CPC website.
24/65.2 The following payments were approved.
Christmas Tree Star | £10.00 |
C.Campos July Salary | £192.08 |
CVH | £38.50 |
A Best Lengths Man P3 | £169.24 |
C.Campos August Salary | £192.08 |
A Best Lengthsman | £338.95 |
24/65.3 It was noted that any further grant applications to CPC for 2024/25 should be submitted by November 2024
24/66 CPC is keen to be involved in the South Hams Festival and take advantage of the grant funding on offer. As the theme of the event is Climate Change and Biodiversity, the WAC representative will report back after attending the SHDC Symposium on the same topic
24/67 CPC will confirm that it is happy with the use of Cornworthy Village Hall as the parish polling station as part of the Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Places 2024
24/68 A date for the Village Tidy Up will be chosen and publicised on Facebook. It will fall around the end of October/early November most likely 9th November
24/69 It was decided that CPC will not join the DCC Road Warden Scheme.
24/70 CPC was delighted with its sponsorship of the Scarecrow Competition, with over 25 entries and a cost of less than £100. They wanted to pass on their thanks to all the entrants and to the judge who did an excellent job.
24/71 Reports
24/71.1 Clerks and RFO The Clerk’s report was received. The draft budget for 2025/26 will be prepared during October and then shared with the Chair and Vice Chair
24/71.2 Defibs and VETs – all Defibs are in working order.
24/71.3 P3 Issues with footpaths 2,7,9 and 13 were all resolved after a meeting with a DCC officer. He provided a number of new signs to replace existing signage across the parish. The emphasis for next year’s surveys will be to identify stiles that can be replaced with the metal gates which will increase accessibility and reduce the maintenance liability in future. Two young parishioners who are participating in the Duke of Edinburgh gold programme have asked if the parish can support them in the volunteering element of this. They could help with the surveying work including mapping stiles and circular walks. Suitable safeguarding measures will be put in place. CPC was in support of this initiative.
24/71.5 WAC –The next public meeting will be held on 7thOctober in the Village Hall. A Save the Date has gone out on Facebook and flyers will be placed around the parish. The meeting should establish the aims and objectives of Wild about Cornworthy. CPC will offer to sponsor the meeting costs up to £100.
24/71.6 Parish Volunteers – The next big event is the Cornworthy Revue which will be held in St Peters Church to raise funds for the New Organ Appeal.
The next Parish Council Meeting is:
Monday 18th November at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall
100 Club Draw
September 58 89 66
October 116 126 30