
Minutes 13th March 2023

Minutes Uploaded on July 25, 2023


DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council held

In St Peter’s Church on Monday 13th March at 8.00pm

Present: Cllr Kirkland (Chair), Cllr Bradley (Vice Chair), Cllr Hunt, Cllr Bailey, Cllr Ronson, Cllr Hubbard, Cllr Worthington and Cllr McKay (SHDC) were present as was C Campos Parish Clerk.

Open Forum

No Attendees

1          Apologies   were received from Cllr Hawkins (DCC)

2.       Declarations of Councillor’s Interests

Cllr Hunt declared an interest in items 11.1 and 13.2 on the agenda

3.       Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of CPC held on Monday 13th February 2023 and the Extraordinary meeting of 20th February were approved

4.       Matters Arising from the Minutes

Appointment of a Snow Warden despite re running the advertisement in the Parish Magazine and reposting on Facebook pages no responses were received it was agreed to rea advertise the position later in the year

5              Local Issues

5.1           Parishioners Correspondence to Action

An email was received from a resident on the handling of the Extraordinary CPC meeting on 20th February this was circulated to all Councillors. Advice was sought from Cllr Hawkins and DALC after which The Chair, Vice Chair and Clerk put together a response which was sent to the resident. The Chair asked if the Councillors if they were happy with that response and they indicated they were

  • Devon County Council Highways

The resurfacing work from the Church from Furze Hill has been completed and the Chair expressed the Councils gratitude to DCC as it has made the road much better to drive on

7.       Planning

Reference: 0040/23/HHO
Proposal: Householder application for alterations to dwelling (retrospective)
Site Address: Parks Barn
  Abbey Road
  TQ9 7ET This is an ongoing application an objection from a resident was circulated to all

Councillors which highlighted the same issues raised by the Council when the application first came before them two years ago. Therefore, the Council will recommend refusal on the same grounds one again

8.Hedgehog Highways The Chairman felt that given the rural nature of the Parish, hedgehogs have a free run under hedges as opposed to solid fences. Therefore the Council agreed there was no benefit in joining the scheme but suggested a write up in the Parish magazine

  • To update on the upkeep of the Village and its assets

9.1 Cleaning Benches Cllr Hunt has power washed the Bench and Table by the Oak Tree

9.2   Residents Village Tidy Up This will take place over a weekend and residents will be asked to spend an hour tidying road outside their homes. After some discussion it was agreed September would be a convenient and optimum time frame to organise this.

10.          Publicising the VETS Scheme

Cllr Ronson advised that Posters advertising the scheme have been produced and these will be displayed on the Parish Noticeboards. A short write up will appear in the next edition of the Parish magazine with the VETS number appearing on the back cover. The next VETS Training session will be at Blackness Marine on Friday 23rd March at 6.00pm.  A leaflet will be created but some volunteers favour a name changed so this will need to resolved before it can be produced. Cllr Ronson will also investigate the cost of producing fridge magnets and bring those to the next meeting as by then funding for them through Cllr Hawkins locality budget will be available. A Facebook page will also be set up

  1. Village Hall
    1. To Clarify that once planning permission has been submitted CPC will have no direct involvement in the New Village Hall Cllr Bradley suggested this item was resolved first and this was agreed. Cllr Kirkland moved to amend this item to read – The Parish Council will not be involved with the new or the old Village Hall after the outcome of Planning Permission for the new village hall. Cllr Kirkland explained that CPC has only got involved in this issue to fulfil what was promised at an open meeting called by the Old Village Hall Committee  on Wednesday 20th October 2021. He explained that not everyone in the Parish was aware that this is why CPC was involved. Cllrs Hubbard and Bailey felt that some residents might feel antagonised by the proposed amendment. Cllr Ronson said that it was not the Council’s decision on which option was better for the Parish and that this would have to be put to the vote by residents and that this vote was also promised at the Village Hall  meeting in June. This was agreed unanimously.

11.1   To discuss submitting Outline Planning Permission for a New Village Hall in CPC’s name   Cllr Kirkland felt that if CPC didn’t put their name to the planning permission the SHDC would ask CPC to comment meaning that CPC would not be able to remain neutral in this matter. Therefore, CPC’s involvement would end with the submission of the Planning permission. Cllr Hubbard mentioned that if Planning permission were to be granted it could open up that land to other development but Cllr Bradley said this was not a Planning consideration only speculation. The majority agreed after some discussion that Outline Planning Permission would be submitted in CPC’s name

11.3 To discuss a donation of £750.00 to the village hall. Cllr Kirkland explained that in order to treat both parties equally it was right to give an equal amount to the old Village Hall. It was unanimously agreed that CPC would make a donation of £750 to the Old Village Hall. Because its crowd funding campaign is subject to charges, the donation will be made directly to the Village Hall.

12.  May Elections Update   the Notice of the Election will be placed on all Parish Noticeboards on Thursday 23rd March. The deadline for the receipt of nominations is Tuesday 4th April. A list of residents standing for the Parish Council will be posted on all notice boards on Thursday 6th April. Elections on 4th May with results available to be posted on Friday 5th/ Saturday 6th May An electronic version of the nomination papers are available from the Parish Clerk


13.          Finance

13.1                        Receipts

Lloyds Bank Interest £4.30

13.2        Payments

To authorise the following payments:

  •  C Campos February Salary                                                           £240
  • HMRC February PAYE                                                                     £60

Use of Church for CPC meetings 13/2 & 20/2                       £70

  • Poo Bag Dispensers                                                                        £328.44
  • P3 Work S Hunt Garden Maintenance                                     £423
  • DALC Clerks Finance Course                                                        £36
  • Village hall                                                                            £750.
  • Best Host web hosting                                                                   £17.25

13.3 Financial Report

Cashbook Balance           £13837.72

Allocated reserves           £ 8442.06

General Fund                    £ 7284.35

Total                                      £15726.41

14. Reports

a Clerk -The Clerk gave a brief update on her activities during the month

b Tree Warden – No Report

c Defibrillators – Cllr Kirkland reported that these are all working.

d Volunteer Emergency Telephone System – See 10

e Village Hall – A Report was received, circulated to Councillors and noted

f Climate Change – None received

g Coronation Working Group -Cllrs Ronson and Bailey reported that plans for Coronation Celebrations were on track and shaping up to be a good day.

h South Hams District Council Councillor – Cllr McKay reported that a longstanding enforcement issue in the Parish was still on going. He had been concerned how voters without photo ID ( which is now needed in order to vote) could get a certificate to do this . A Poster is now being produce with details on how to obtain this which will include a phone number. He is continuing to push for street cleaning in the village.

Devon County Councillor – None received

15.Items for April Agenda

VETS Fridge Magnets

The Annual Parish meeting will take place on Monday 17th April at 7.45pm to be followed by the Parish Council meeting at 8.00pm

100 Club Draw

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