
Minutes 18th March 2024

Minutes Uploaded on April 9, 2024

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council

In Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 18th March at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Tuppen (Chair), Cllr Bailey (Vice Chair), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hammond,Cllr Finn and Cllr Thompson were present as was C Campos Parish Clerk.
24/12 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Hunt and Cllr Hawkins gave their apologies.

24/13   Declaration of Councillors Interest None

24/14 Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the CPC meeting of 22nd January were approved.

24/15 Matters Arising from the Minutes None

24/16   Cllr McKay SHDC gave his report.

24/17 Devon County Council Highways

The planned road closures from Blackdown Cross to Tideford Cross and

From Cornworthy Cross to Tuckenhay Cross were noted

24/18   Planning

24/18.1 0454/24/HHO The Council was in favour of supporting this application.

24/18.2 2945/23/FUL Lower Washbourne Farm, Washbourne, TQ9 7UE The Council objected to the application as this structure is materially different from the original application and the planning permission that was originally granted.

24/19 Finance

24/19.1 The CPC Finance report was noted and is available on the CPC website.

24/19.2 The following payments were approved.

C Campos January Salary £259.20
C Campos February Salary £259.20
CVH Friends Sub £ 50.00
Replacement Noticeboard Door £283.50
A Best P3 Work £ 70.00
A Best Tools £112.00
VETs Training Session £300.00
Magnetic Pins  £5.78
C Thompson P3 Work £295.00
CHT Defib Pads £140.34

24/20 An ex-gratia payment of £750 to the outgoing volunteer Lengthsman will be made at his request to the Elizabeth Harris Trust. CPC wanted to record its thanks for all the hard work he has done over many years for the benefit of the whole village.

24/21.1 The Clerks contract was approved.

24/21.2 The CPC Grievance Policy, CPC Disciplinary Procedure and CPC Employee Privacy Notice were all approved and adopted.

24/21.3 Cathy Campos was appointed as Cornworthy Parish Clerk

24/22   The contract for the Cornworthy Lengthsman was approved.

24/23 CPC will have a further meeting with a representative from DAA before making a decision on the future of the site.

24/24 CPC welcomes and supports the formation of Sustainable Cornworthy and looks forward to working with them on initiatives to improve the environment and lessen the impact and damage created by human activity and climate change.

24/25.1 The following dates for upcoming Cornworthy Parish Council meetings were agreed. 20th May 2024,22nd July 2024, 23rd September 2024,18th November 2024,20th January 2025 and 17th March 2025

24/25.2 The Annual Parish meeting will be held on Monday 20th May.

24/26 The Council endorsed a resident’s survey about the effects of the discontinuation of copper wired telecoms.

24/27 CPC will sponsor a Scarecrow competition in conjunction with the Cornworthy Produce Show.

24/28 Reports

24/28.1 Clerks and RFO

The Clerk’s report was received. 

24/28.2 Tree Warden

CPC will ask the Woodland Trust to defer the planned tree felling in Millennium Wood until the Autumn

24/28/.3 Defibs and VETS

All pads in all three Defibs will have been replaced by the end of May. The VETS Training session will be held on 9th April shared with Ashprington. A fund raiser is planned.

24//8.4 Village Hall Folk night was a success. More works are planned to include new windows, new front doors and repointing to take place at the end of April.

24/28.5 P3 Paths

Footpath repair works for 23/24 are completed and the surveys for 24/25 have also been completed. New grant forms have been submitted and a response is expected in May.

24/28.6 Parish Volunteers

The BOB the bus visit was a great example of how volunteers enhance life in Cornworthy  for many residents. The benches are also due for some maintenance this Spring.

24/28.7 Dart Harbour Community Group

CPC is waiting for information from the Friends of the Dart to create a River Dart page for the CPC webpage.

The next Parish Council Meeting is:

Monday 20th May at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

100 Club Draw

March 107 55 46 April 116 128 145 Spring 149 142 157