
Minutes 20th May 2024

Minutes Uploaded on May 31, 2024

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council

In Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 20th May at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Tuppen (Chair), Cllr Bailey (Vice Chair), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hammond, Cllr Finn Cllr Thompson, Cllr Hunt, Cllr McKay SHDC and Cllr Hawkins DCC were present as was C Campos Parish Clerk.

24/29 Apologies for Absence None

24/30 To Elect a Chair          Cllr Tuppen was elected.

24/31 To Elect a Vice Chair Cllr Bailey was elected.

  1. 32 Declaration of Councillors Interest Cllr Hammond declared an interest in item 10.1

24/33 Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the CPC meeting of 18th March were approved.

24/34 Matters Arising from the Minutes None

24/35.1 Cllr McKay SHDC gave his report.

24/35.2 Cllr Hawkins DCC gave his report.

24/ 36 Local issues

24/36.1 Correspondence The vegetation surrounding a memorial bench was cut back at the request of a parishioner.  

24/37 Devon County Council Highways

The change of date for Road Closure-Washbourne Bridge Cross to Blackdown Cross, Blackawton was noted.      

24/38   Planning

            24/38.1 1304/24/HHO The Council was in favour of supporting this application.

24/39 Finance

24/39.1 The CPC Finance report was noted and is available on the CPC website.

24/39.2 The following payments were approved.

C Campos March Salary £259.20
Clerks Expenses £97.87
HMRC £194.40
SHDC Payroll Services £120.00
DALC Annual Subscription £149.60
CVH Electricity VETS Training £16.00
C Campos April Salary £189.05
Internal Auditor Services £140.00

24/39.3 The Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2023/34 was approved.

24/39.4 The Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 was approved.

24/39.5 The Annual Internal Report 2023/24 was noted.

24/39.6 The Annual Accounting Statements 2023/24 were approved.

24/39.7 The Insurance schedule for 2024/25 was agreed and the Cornworthy policy will be renewed with Community First subject to some agreed amendments.

24/39.8 CPC agreed to administer the funds raised by the Village for the Defibs/Vets  as earmarked reserves.

24/40. CPC resolved to retain the DAA landing site as a dark site.

24/41  The CPC Standing Orders and all other agreed policies were approved and readopted for 2024/25. This will be updated on the website.

24/42 The Parish Booklet was approved. This is currently being compiled and will be printed and hand delivered to every household.

24/43 Reports The majority of these were all given at the preceding Annual Parish Meeting.

24/43.1 Clerks and RFO

The Clerk’s report was received.

24/43.2 Parish Volunteers CPC wanted to thank the resident who has cleaned all the noticeboards and map cases.

The next Parish Council Meeting is: Monday 22nd July at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

100 Club Draw

May 131 32 25

June 102 6 49