DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council
In Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 22nd July at 7.30pm
Present: Cllr Tuppen (Chair), Cllr Bailey (Vice Chair), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hammond, Cllr Finn Cllr Thompson, Cllr Hunt, Cllr McKay SHDC and Cllr Hawkins DCC were present as was C Campos Parish Clerk.
24/44 Apologies for Absence: None
24/45 Declaration of Councillors Interest: the Clerk clarified that only a pecuniary interest in an item would restrict a Councillors’ ability to discuss and vote on that item. However, she advised that any connection to an item should be declared for transparency. On that basis Cllrs Tuppen, Bailey, Fowler and Finn all declared an interest in item 15.
24/46 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Cornworthy Parish Council (CPC) meeting of 20th May 2024 were approved and are available on the CPC website.
The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 20th May were approved and are available on the CPC website
24/47 Matters Arising from the Minutes None
24/48.1 Cllr McKay SHDC gave his report.
24/49.2 Cllr Hawkins DCC gave his report.
24/50 Local issues
24/50.1 Correspondence A resident asked that overhanging trees on footpath 1b be cut back. The Clerk will write to the contractors for the Woodland Trust and ask that this is done.
24/51 Devon County Council Highways
The change of date for Road Closure-Washbourne Bridge Cross to Blackdown Cross, Blackawton was noted as changed to 1st August to 5th August 2024
24/52 Planning
24/52.2 Approval for application 1597/24/HHO was noted.
24/53 Finance
24/53.1 The CPC Finance report was noted and is available on the CPC website.
24/53.2 The following payments were approved.
C. Campos May Salary | £195.50 |
Clerks Expenses | £89.50 |
Parish Booklet Printing | £160.89 |
A Best Lengthsman | £ 330.00 |
Community First Insurance | £245.00 |
CHT Defib Pads | £76.74 |
CVH VETS training | £ 9.00 |
C Campos June Salary | £192.28 |
Netwise Hosting | £468.00 |
Engraving Scarecrow Cup | £25.50 |
HMRC | £144.00 |
Scarecrow Leaflet Printing | £43.77 |
24/53.3 The Council felt that membership of the South Hams Community Action Group was more relevant to community groups and not applicable to the CPC.
24/53.4 The interest rate for the CPC Instant Access Savings Account was noted.
24/54. Responses to recent communications with Neighbourhood Highways Officer
24/54.1 Cllr Hawkins requested that details of the signage issues in Allaleigh were sent to him for him to take up with DCC.
24/54.2 The officers reply referred to a different set of drains. Cllr Hawkins recommended sending a further letter to include a senior Highways officer. Householders will be visited to ask them tidy up hedge trimmings etc to stop them blocking drains.
24/55 The Lengthsman will be asked to replace the rotting posts around the Village Green and reseed the grass with seed suitable for shady conditions.
24/56 The Clerk will investigate the contents, timing and date of the DCC Road Warden training scheme so that the Lengthsman and Councillors can consider attending.
24/57 It was agreed that the Village Hall is Cornworthy’s best asset, and many residents enjoy using it. Evidence of Parish Council support is crucial for success with other grant applications. There will be enough grant funding available for other organisations and purposes. Therefore, it was agreed to give a grant of £1000 to the Village Hall subject to conditions set out in the Grants Policy which is on the CPC website.
24/58 Reports
24/58.1 Clerks and RFO The Clerk’s report was received.
24/58.2 Defibs and VETs – all Defibs are in working order.
24/58.3 Village Hall – Cllr Bailey is now the CPC representative on the board of Trustees. The last of the work funded by the AGAR grant is complete. Apple Day is on 13th October.
24/58.4 P3 There is an issue with the golf course driving range this will be passed on to the Footpath Officer at DCC
24/58.5 Sustainable Cornworthy – The first meeting will be on 30th July. CPC confirmed that it supports the aims of Sustainable Cornworthy but will not be directly involved..
24/58.6 Parish Volunteers – The bench refurbishment is still on going.
The next Parish Council Meeting is:
Monday 16th September at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall
100 Club Draw
July 50 135 89
Summer 11 130 94
August 124 100 34