Parish Council information
The Parish Council makes information available in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities (which includes local authorities such as the parish council, the district council, and the county council).
This is in addition to individuals’ rights of access to information about themselves under the Data Protection Act 1998, and other existing legislation which already secures public access rights to much information held by a local authority
The Council’s Approach
The council strives to be accountable to the electorate and wishes to be as open and transparent as possible in all its dealings. The council welcomes public interest and involvement in the local government of the community.
The formal provisions of the Freedom of Information Act should not inhibit anyone from raising informally any matters of concern with members of the council or the Clerk.
The council is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and abides by the principles of data protection which underpin the act.
Publication Scheme
This council has a Publication Scheme which shows what types of information are available as a matter of course, what format they are provided in, and any charges which may be incurred in obtaining the information.
Click the DOWNLOAD button on this page to access the Publication Scheme.
The Publication Scheme is based on a standard model for parish councils which has been reviewed and approved by the Information Commissioner, the independent official body with responsibility for oversight of the Freedom of Information.
The council will review the scheme from time to time to ensure that it continues to meet the specific needs of the council and the community in Cornworthy.
Where possible, the council will make information available on the parish web site at no charge. This will include as a minimum the information defined in the Publication Scheme.
Additional information may be made available on the web site as appropriate. There is a comprehensive list of documents which are available on the website (found below), covering those within the Publication Scheme and the additional documents.
For other forms of information provision, any charges will be limited to only as much as is needed to cover the costs of time and materials involved in administration of the request and in providing the information.
Freedom of Information and Transparency code documents
Requests for Information
Requests for information should be made in writing to the Parish Clerk. Requests can be handed in at parish council meetings OR through the Contact Form on the Parish Council website OR posted to the Clerk at:
The Clerk
1 St Clements Court
Church Road
Dartmouth TQ6 9SN
The Clerk is the officer responsible for the council’s compliance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
The council publishes information in English. Requests for information in transcript in another language, or in any manner other than standard printed form and size will be dealt with on a case by case basis, and may require additional time to respond and may incur additional cost.
Complaints about the Council’s response to requests for information should also be directed to the Clerk at the above address.
The opportunity to complain to the Council does not place any limitation on the right of any individual to refer a complaint to the Information Commissioner at the following address:
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700
Fax: 01625 524 510
A4 photocopy is charged at 10p black & white 35p colour per sheet.
Each inspection which takes place outside a normal parish council meeting is charged according to the time taken by the enquirer, measured in units of 30 minutes, at a rate of £5.00 per unit, with a minimum of one unit.
Documents sent by post will incur a charge to cover the costs of packing and postage. The charge will be dependent on the volume of documents involved, the class of postage requested, and the destination.