Parish Clerk: Cathy Campos 1, St Clements Court Church Road Dartmouth TQ6 9SN
Phone: 01803 839305 Email:
To: Members of the Cornworthy Parish Council 17th January 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council at Cornworthy Village Hall on 22nd January 2024 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Open Forum: Members of the public are invited to address the Council before the meeting.
- Apologies for Absence
- Declarations of Councillor’s Interests
- Approval of Minutes
To approve the minutes from the CPC meeting held on 5th December 2023.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Reports from District and County Councillors
5.1 Cllr John McKay SHDC
5.2 Cllr Jonathan Hawkins DCC
6. Local Issues
6.1 Parishioners Correspondence to Action
7. Devon County Council Highways
(BLACKDOWN CROSS TO A3122, BLACKAWTON) NOTICE 2024 TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH TRAFFIC DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL hereby give NOTICE that: From THURSDAY 14 MARCH 2024 for a maximum of 5 days Until SATURDAY 16 MARCH 2024 (both dates inclusive) No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed on the sections of Affected Roads. Roads affected – BLACKDOWN CROSS TO A3122, BLACKAWTON The alternative, signed, route for vehicles will be via – BLACKDOWN CROSS TO TIDEFORD CROSS & ROAD FROM RIDGE LANE CROSS TO ALLALEIGH CROSS
8. Planning
8.1 Applications – None
8.2 Planning Decisions by SHDC – None
8.3 Consultations – None
9. Finance
9.1 To Update on CPC Finances (report circulated)
9.2 To Approve the following payments.
C. Campos December Salary | £259.20 |
C .Campos Clerks Expenses | £108.08 |
HMRC | £228.40 |
ICO Annual Subscription | £35.00 |
Grit Bin Allaleigh
Cornworthy Election Expenses VET’s Training 50% Reclaim from APC Replacement Finger Post
£964.24 £210.00
£319.32 |
10. To Resolve and Agree the Job Specification and Renumeration package for a Parish Lengthsman
11. To Discuss changes in legislation regarding Parish Councils offering financial assistance to Churches and Agree a way forward
12. To Discuss whether CPC should become a Friend of Cornworthy Village Hall and Agree a way forward
13. To Appoint a member of the Council to the Cornworthy Village Events Forum
14. To Consider the following Reports
14. 1 Clerk and RFO (report circulated)\
14.2 Tree Warden
14.3 Defibrillators and VETS
14.4 Village Hall
14.5 P3 Paths
14.6 Parish Volunteers
14.7 Dart Harbour Communities Group
15. Current SHDC enforcement cases
16. To confirm the date and location of the next Parish Council meeting
100 Club Draw