
Minutes 22nd January 2024

Minutes Uploaded on January 29, 2024

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Cornworthy Parish Council
In Cornworthy Village Hall on Monday 22nd January at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Tuppen (Chair), Cllr Bailey (Vice Chair) Cllr Hunt, Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hammond were present as was C Campos Parish Clerk.

24/01 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Finn, Cllr Thompson, Cllr Hawkins and Cllr McKay all gave their apologies.

24/02   Declaration of Councillors Interest

Cllr Hunt declared an interest in agenda  item 11. Cllr Fowler declared an interest in agenda item 12.

24/03 Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the CPC meeting of 5th December were approved.

24/04 Matters Arising from the Minutes

CPC was disappointed with DCC’s response to its formal request for the reinstatement of gritting services in Cornworthy. They will continue to press for additional grit bins as an alternative solution.

24/05 Devon County Council Highways

The planned road closure from Blackdown Cross to A3122 Blackawton from 14th   March to 16th March was noted.

24/06 Finance

24/06.1 The CPC Finance report was noted and is available on the CPC website.

24/06.2 The following payments were approved.

C Campos December Salary £259.20
C Campos Clerks Expenses £108.08
HMRC £228.40
ICO Subscription £35.00
Grit Bin Allaleigh £261.92
SHDC Election Expenses £964.24
Replacement Finger Post £319.32

24/06/3 The CPC Scheme of Delegation was approved.

24/07 The Job Specification and Remuneration package for the Parish Lengthsman was  approved and an applicant has been engaged.

24/08 The changes to legislation regarding Parish Councils financially assisting Churches was noted.

24/09 CPC unanimously voted to become a Friend of the Village Hall

24/10   Cllr Bailey will represent CPC on the Cornworthy Village Events Forum

24/11 Reports

24/11.1 Clerks and RFO

The Clerk’s report was received.

24/11.2 Tree Warden

The prescribed work on the oak tree has been completed. CPC wanted to thank the tree warden as the work was done at no cost.

24/11/.3 Defibs and VETS

The VETS Training session is still being organised. The Allaleigh Defib was showing a fault due to the very cold weather but is now fully operational again.

24/11.4 Village Hall

Phase 1 works are now complete, with the new fire doors being fitted before Christmas. Further funds have been made available for phase 2. Social events booked so far include a folk night and Burns night supper and another disco for May. The village hall committee have confirmed their regular fundraising events for the year, to include dog show, pie night and Christmas fair.

24/11.5 P3 Paths

Footpath repair works are complete for 23/24 and Surveys for 24/25 have been undertaken and the funding bid being worked up.

24/11.6 Parish Volunteers

In addition to the usual helping of friends in need and driving people to doctors’ appointments etc, The tree warden cut back the oak tree and cleared the debris with the help of another volunteer; 2 windows in the village were boarded up by 2 volunteers after storm damage; Our volunteer lengthsman continues to keep street drains operating and responding to urgent overflowing drain events.

Thanks to them and all other volunteers.

24/11.7 Dart Harbour Community Group

Given that the Parish borders the river, and many people enjoy using the river, a dedicated River Dart page on the CPC website could be appropriate and useful. This would include the minutes from the DHCG meetings.

The next Parish Council Meeting is:

Monday 18th March at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

100 Club Draw

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